July 2021: CT Anxieties & Concerns

Welcome to my anxious over-thinking brain.

  • What if I get sick/hurt? Will I have health insurance? Will my health insurance let me go to an urgent med in middle of CO?

  • Am I going to get sick from the altitude? Am I going to get side-effects from the altitude medication? Can I get HAPE/HACE from 13,000-feet?

  • What if I have another severe allergic reaction? Am I allergic to plants over there? Will I get a rash if I accidentally touch stuff?

  • Do I need to worry about wildfires? Will there be available water sources? How much water will I have to carry? Will smoke from west-coast wildfires be an issue?

  • How often will we be over tree-line? Will being exposed trigger my anxiety-induced IBS?

  • Is there any chance I’ll run into my ex-boyfriend out there? (clearly an irrational fear)

  • Ugh do I really need to shit in a hole every day?

  • Is American Airlines going to cancel my flight?

  • Will my passport arrive on time? I heard after Oct 1st a drivers license isn’t good enough to fly.

  • Will it be cold? Do I need to carry my sleeping bag liner, extra clothes, gloves, etc?

  • Oh god we’ll need to hitch-hike again.

  • Wow my pack is really heavy and bulky - are my knees going to be okay?

  • I forgot about pack rash - my hips and collarbones are going to get beat up.


July 2021: Colorado Trail Facts & FAQs