NH - Wildcat D (#21), Wildcat A (#22), Carter-Dome (#23), Willey (#24)

Sat, May 29th, 2021 - Got woken up by this ANNOYING AS FUCK 8 year old at the campsite next to ours at 4:55 in the fucking morning. Had a rough night sleep - I had forgotten how much I don’t love sleeping in a one person tent. Got up, started packing up my pack. Planned out where we would go and such - got out on the road around 645am? Dropped my car at Imp Trailhead, Kristabel drove us in her car to Pinkham Notch Visitors Center. Went in the shop looking for gloves since it was cold - didn’t have any. Hiked the Lost Pond Trail to Glenn Ellis and then hiked up the Wildcats - wasn’t feeling my best - UGH. Didn’t see a ton of people. Climbing up to the Wildcats was pretty difficult. Didn’t realize Wildcat D was considered a 48, didn’t even acknowledge the summit. Met a dog in goggles, got a free sticker from his owner. Played the Movie Category game a LOT - helps distract me. Submitted Wildcat (#22). Lots of aches and pains, but nothing serious. Ate lunch near a lake by Carter Notch Hut - had an impossible burger YUM. Decided to go for Carter-Dome (#23), even though my legs were pretty jelly. We were pretty beat by the end of the day - luckily the last few miles (nineteen mile brook trail) was dirt and really easy. We were so done by the end of the day. Had to road walk the final 1.2 miles because we were planning to end at a different trailhead. Debated asking someone for a ride. Drove Kristabel back to her car since we weren’t doing the backpacking plans the next two days. Bought some postcards at the Pinkham Notch Visitors Center. Drove back to Timberland Campground - super tired. Met the campground owners(?), they were super nice. Bought some wood and postcards, made a fire, ate a knorrs pasta side - delicious. Spindrift. Made a reservation for the Townplace Suites in Laconia/Gilford for tomorrow night.

Sun, May 30th, 2021 - Woke up really early again - only partially because of the annoying kid. Walked around the campground, found the other bathroom, charged my phone at a random tent-site that had an outlet (ours was the most basic). Packed up our camp, got on our way. Drove to Willey Hut - our bodies were hurting. Decided to hike to Mt Willey because it was a total of 5.4 miles and would get us another peak. Hike started off “easy”, but we were struggling. Crossed some train tracks - SAW A BEAR IN THE DISTANCE!! We stared at it, it stared at us. Kept walking, stopped by the Kedron Flume Cascade. Really didn’t see too many people - eventually got to some ladders - we thought we were almost there. Kristabel tried to get me to hurry up, but I fucking couldnt. Mini argument (ehh not really), where she went ahead and we’d meet at the top. BUT THE TOP WAS FOREVER AWAY. The worst ¾ mile ever. Super difficult, cold and windy, felt never ending. Started listening to music - put my liked songs on shuffle, the first song to come on was “Misery” by Maroon 5, which I thought was fitting. Eventually made it to the top - found Kristabel - there was actually a really lovely view. Took a photo at the summit. Cute bird. Began descending - felt soooo good to be going down and getting warmer and closer to our cars. Passed a few people on the way back. Hiking started getting sloppy, I tripped/fell/collapsed a few times - just really weak/tired legs that needed to be done. Made it to the parking lot - and it started raining. Made myself a wrap for lunch - used a clean tent stake as a knife to open an avocado. Drove to Laconia to check into our hotel for the night - SO LUXURIOUS!!!!


NH - Tom (#18), Field (#19), Avalon, Jackson, Pierce, Eisenhower (#20)