VT - “East Haven Cabin”

July 18th & 19th, 2020

Sat, July 18th, 2020 - Got up around 6am, finished packing and cleaning. 645 - drove to pick up Kristabel. Drove up to Vt - through NH and the Whites - great scenic drive, listened to a lot of throwback songs and caught up with Kristabel. Stopped in Lyndonville. Continued driving to Victory Road in East Haven VT - parked in the little alcove parking area. Packed our stuff, started hiking! Trail was marked well, but poorly maintained for a lot of it - Moose tracks! Very humid, difficult time physically. Humid. Very heavy pack (brought a lot of water). Had to stop and eat - found an amazing spot by the cascading creek! Sat down for a while. Relaxed for a bit, journaled - was very shaky. Sloppy hiking all around. Really difficult, despite how short and not difficult it should have been! Finally arrived at the cabin! Relaxed, drank water, tried to eat, laid down, read the log book, started reading “Into Thin Air”. Fell asleep. Kristabel stole Into Thin Air from my sleeping hands. Woke up, journaled. Relaxed more. Made dinner (Knoors Pasta Side and Tuna). Laid on the deck. Chat with Kristabel. Played card games - ERS, Spit, Golf (learned this new one), etc. Went to bed early in the loft. Sleep. Kristabel then woke me up due to some animal noises, which freaked me out thinking it could be a person maybe??? UGGHHH. Lots of scratching - sounded like mice or squirrels. More Reddit, eventually was so tired I fell asleep.

Sun, July 19th, 2020 -  Woke up around 6am, Sat outside in the brisk morning mountain air, was lovely, took photos, relaxed. Encountered “The Animal” from last night - a curious red squirrel lol. Kristabel woke up, I started gathering my things on the deck, got in my sleeping bag on the deck - fell asleep until around 9am. Finished packing and cleaning, wrote in the guest book, took more photos. Started hiking down - was so much easier than the hike up! Kristabel and I talked about “Into Thin Air” and Everest in general. Really quick hike. Got to the car, forgot about the swimming hole we were gonna check out. Drove to Littleton, NH to go to Chutters. Driving through Vermont was really pretty and interesting. Chutters freaked me out a bit with all the open containers - so just got some postcards and skittles. Drove toward “The Basin”, stopped at Lafayette Campground. Was gonna stop at The Basin, but way too many people. Drove to Lincoln to get breakfast sandwiches at Dunkin - decided where to drive to go swimming - drove south towards home. Stopped at a random river crossing to swim, tons of people tubing and kayaking down the river - sat in the water. Continued home. Stopped at the Hookset Welcome Center to use the bathroom. Played a lot of word games in the car. Dropped of Kristabel, drove home.


NH - Tom (#18), Field (#19), Avalon, Jackson, Pierce, Eisenhower (#20)


Hike the 48 with me!